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   {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Местоположение устья | ontologyProperty = mouthPosition }}
   {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Местоположение устья | ontologyProperty = mouthPosition }}
   {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Площадь бассейна | ontologyProperty = watershed}}
   {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Площадь бассейна | ontologyProperty = watershed}}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = watershed_imperial | ontologyProperty = watershed | unit = squareMile }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = бассейн | ontologyProperty = watershed | unit = squareKilometre }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = discharge_imperial | ontologyProperty = discharge | unit = cubicFeetPerSecond }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = discharge | ontologyProperty = discharge | unit = cubicMetrePerSecond }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = discharge_max_imperial | ontologyProperty = maximumDischarge | unit = cubicFeetPerSecond }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = discharge_max | ontologyProperty = maximumDischarge | unit = cubicMetrePerSecond }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = discharge_min_imperial | ontologyProperty = minimumDischarge | unit = cubicFeetPerSecond }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = discharge_min | ontologyProperty = minimumDischarge | unit = cubicMetrePerSecond }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = source_district | ontologyProperty = sourceDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = source_region | ontologyProperty = sourceRegion }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = basin_countries | ontologyProperty = sourceCountry }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = source_state | ontologyProperty = sourceState }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = source_country | ontologyProperty = sourceCountry }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = mouth_district | ontologyProperty = mouthDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = mouth_region | ontologyProperty = mouthRegion }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = mouth_state | ontologyProperty = mouthState }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = mouth_country | ontologyProperty = mouthCountry }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = mouth | ontologyProperty = riverMouth }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = origin | ontologyProperty = origin }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = высота_устья_м | ontologyProperty = mouthElevation | unit = metre }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = высота_устья_фт | ontologyProperty = mouthElevation | unit = foot }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = высота_устья | ontologyProperty = mouthElevation | unit = metre }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = discharge_m3/s | ontologyProperty = discharge | unit = cubicMetrePerSecond }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = discharge_cuft/s | ontologyProperty = discharge | unit = cubicFeetPerSecond }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = бассейн_км2 | ontologyProperty = watershed | unit = squareKilometre }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = бассейн _квм | ontologyProperty = watershed | unit = squareMile }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = name | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Оригинальное название | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = other_name | ontologyProperty = synonym }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = other_name1 | ontologyProperty = synonym }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Страна | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Страна 1 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state | ontologyProperty = state }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state1 | ontologyProperty = state }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = регион| ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = регион 1 | ontologyProperty = region }}
              {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = регион 2 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = район | ontologyProperty = district }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = район1 | ontologyProperty = district }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = city | ontologyProperty = city }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = city1 | ontologyProperty = city }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = length | ontologyProperty = length | unit = Length }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = source_location | ontologyProperty = sourceMountain }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = source_location | ontologyProperty = sourcePlace }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = mouth_location | ontologyProperty = mouthMountain }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = mouth_location | ontologyProperty = mouthPlace }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = river_name | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = length_km | ontologyProperty = length | unit = kilometre }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = length_mi | ontologyProperty = length | unit = mile }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = elevation_m | ontologyProperty = elevation | unit = metre }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = elevation_ft | ontologyProperty = elevation | unit = foot }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = elevation | ontologyProperty = elevation | unit = metre }}
{{GeocoordinatesMapping | ontologyProperty = sourcePosition | latitudeDegrees = source_lat_d  | latitudeMinutes = source_lat_m  | latitudeSeconds = source_lat_s  | latitudeDirection = source_lat_NS  | longitudeDegrees = source_long_d  | longitudeMinutes = source_long_m  | longitudeSeconds = source_long_s  | longitudeDirection = source_long_EW }}
{{GeocoordinatesMapping | ontologyProperty = mouthPosition | latitudeDegrees = mouth_lat_d  | latitudeMinutes = mouth_lat_m  | latitudeSeconds = mouth_lat_s  | latitudeDirection = mouth_lat_NS  | longitudeDegrees = mouth_long_d  | longitudeMinutes = mouth_long_m  | longitudeSeconds = mouth_long_s  | longitudeDirection = mouth_long_EW }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = местоположение устья | ontologyProperty = mouthPlace }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = местоположение истока | ontologyProperty = sourcePlace }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = исток | ontologyProperty = source }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = расход_воды | ontologyProperty = waterConsumption}}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = бассейн | ontologyProperty = basin }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = изображение | ontologyProperty = picture }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = высота устья | ontologyProperty = mouthHeight }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = высота истока | ontologyProperty = sourceHeight }}
   {{GeocoordinatesMapping | ontologyProperty = sourcePosition | latitudeDegrees = s_lat_deg  | latitudeMinutes = s_lat_min  | latitudeSeconds = s_lat_sec  | latitudeDirection = s_lat_dir  | longitudeDegrees = s_lon_deg  | longitudeMinutes = s_lon_min  | longitudeSeconds = s_lon_sec  | longitudeDirection = s_lon_dir }}
   {{GeocoordinatesMapping | ontologyProperty = sourcePosition | latitudeDegrees = s_lat_deg  | latitudeMinutes = s_lat_min  | latitudeSeconds = s_lat_sec  | latitudeDirection = s_lat_dir  | longitudeDegrees = s_lon_deg  | longitudeMinutes = s_lon_min  | longitudeSeconds = s_lon_sec  | longitudeDirection = s_lon_dir }}
{{GeocoordinatesMapping | ontologyProperty = mouthPosition | latitudeDegrees = m_lat_deg  | latitudeMinutes = m_lat_min  | latitudeSeconds = m_lat_sec  | latitudeDirection = m_lat_dir  | longitudeDegrees = m_lon_deg | longitudeMinutes = m_lon_min  | longitudeSeconds = m_lon_sec  | longitudeDirection = m_lon_dir }}
{{GeocoordinatesMapping | ontologyProperty = mouthPosition | latitudeDegrees = m_lat_deg  | latitudeMinutes = m_lat_min  | latitudeSeconds = m_lat_sec  | latitudeDirection = m_lat_dir  | longitudeDegrees = m_lon_deg | longitudeMinutes = m_lon_min  | longitudeSeconds = m_lon_sec  | longitudeDirection = m_lon_dir }}

Latest revision as of 12:49, 6 March 2018

This is the mapping for the Wikipedia template Река. Find usages of this Wikipedia template here.

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Template Mapping (help)
map to class River


Property Mapping (help)
template property Название
ontology property foaf:name

Property Mapping (help)
template property Длина
ontology property length

Property Mapping (help)
template property Страна
ontology property country

Property Mapping (help)
template property Устье
ontology property riverMouth

Property Mapping (help)
template property Местоположение устья
ontology property mouthPosition

Property Mapping (help)
template property Площадь бассейна
ontology property watershed

Property Mapping (help)
template property watershed_imperial
ontology property watershed

Property Mapping (help)
template property бассейн
ontology property watershed

Property Mapping (help)
template property discharge_imperial
ontology property discharge

Property Mapping (help)
template property discharge
ontology property discharge

Property Mapping (help)
template property discharge_max_imperial
ontology property maximumDischarge

Property Mapping (help)
template property discharge_max
ontology property maximumDischarge

Property Mapping (help)
template property discharge_min_imperial
ontology property minimumDischarge

Property Mapping (help)
template property discharge_min
ontology property minimumDischarge

Property Mapping (help)
template property source_district
ontology property sourceDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property source_region
ontology property sourceRegion

Property Mapping (help)
template property basin_countries
ontology property sourceCountry

Property Mapping (help)
template property source_state
ontology property sourceState

Property Mapping (help)
template property source_country
ontology property sourceCountry

Property Mapping (help)
template property mouth_district
ontology property mouthDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property mouth_region
ontology property mouthRegion

Property Mapping (help)
template property mouth_state
ontology property mouthState

Property Mapping (help)
template property mouth_country
ontology property mouthCountry

Property Mapping (help)
template property mouth
ontology property riverMouth

Property Mapping (help)
template property origin
ontology property origin

Property Mapping (help)
template property высота_устья_м
ontology property mouthElevation

Property Mapping (help)
template property высота_устья_фт
ontology property mouthElevation

Property Mapping (help)
template property высота_устья
ontology property mouthElevation

Property Mapping (help)
template property discharge_m3/s
ontology property discharge

Property Mapping (help)
template property discharge_cuft/s
ontology property discharge

Property Mapping (help)
template property бассейн_км2
ontology property watershed

Property Mapping (help)
template property бассейн _квм
ontology property watershed

Property Mapping (help)
template property name
ontology property foaf:name

Property Mapping (help)
template property Оригинальное название
ontology property foaf:name

Property Mapping (help)
template property other_name
ontology property synonym

Property Mapping (help)
template property other_name1
ontology property synonym

Property Mapping (help)
template property Страна
ontology property country

Property Mapping (help)
template property Страна 1
ontology property country

Property Mapping (help)
template property state
ontology property state

Property Mapping (help)
template property state1
ontology property state

Property Mapping (help)
template property регион
ontology property region

Property Mapping (help)
template property регион 1
ontology property region

Property Mapping (help)
template property регион 2
ontology property region

Property Mapping (help)
template property район
ontology property district

Property Mapping (help)
template property район1
ontology property district

Property Mapping (help)
template property city
ontology property city

Property Mapping (help)
template property city1
ontology property city

Property Mapping (help)
template property length
ontology property length

Property Mapping (help)
template property source_location
ontology property sourceMountain

Property Mapping (help)
template property source_location
ontology property sourcePlace

Property Mapping (help)
template property mouth_location
ontology property mouthMountain

Property Mapping (help)
template property mouth_location
ontology property mouthPlace

Property Mapping (help)
template property river_name
ontology property foaf:name

Property Mapping (help)
template property length_km
ontology property length

Property Mapping (help)
template property length_mi
ontology property length

Property Mapping (help)
template property elevation_m
ontology property elevation

Property Mapping (help)
template property elevation_ft
ontology property elevation

Property Mapping (help)
template property elevation
ontology property elevation
Geocoordinates Mapping (help)
longitude degrees template property source_long_d
longitude minutes template property source_long_m
longitude seconds template property source_long_s
longitude direction template property source_long_EW
latitude degrees template property source_lat_d
latitude minutes template property source_lat_m
latitude seconds template property source_lat_s
latitude direction template property source_lat_NS
ontology property sourcePosition
Geocoordinates Mapping (help)
longitude degrees template property mouth_long_d
longitude minutes template property mouth_long_m
longitude seconds template property mouth_long_s
longitude direction template property mouth_long_EW
latitude degrees template property mouth_lat_d
latitude minutes template property mouth_lat_m
latitude seconds template property mouth_lat_s
latitude direction template property mouth_lat_NS
ontology property mouthPosition

Property Mapping (help)
template property местоположение устья
ontology property mouthPlace

Property Mapping (help)
template property местоположение истока
ontology property sourcePlace

Property Mapping (help)
template property исток
ontology property source

Property Mapping (help)
template property расход_воды
ontology property waterConsumption

Property Mapping (help)
template property бассейн
ontology property basin

Property Mapping (help)
template property изображение
ontology property picture

Property Mapping (help)
template property высота устья
ontology property mouthHeight

Property Mapping (help)
template property высота истока
ontology property sourceHeight

Geocoordinates Mapping (help)
longitude degrees template property s_lon_deg
longitude minutes template property s_lon_min
longitude seconds template property s_lon_sec
longitude direction template property s_lon_dir
latitude degrees template property s_lat_deg
latitude minutes template property s_lat_min
latitude seconds template property s_lat_sec
latitude direction template property s_lat_dir
ontology property sourcePosition
Geocoordinates Mapping (help)
longitude degrees template property m_lon_deg
longitude minutes template property m_lon_min
longitude seconds template property m_lon_sec
longitude direction template property m_lon_dir
latitude degrees template property m_lat_deg
latitude minutes template property m_lat_min
latitude seconds template property m_lat_sec
latitude direction template property m_lat_dir
ontology property mouthPosition