Mapping it:Album: Difference between revisions

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(Template 'Album' is the 4th most used one in Italian Wikipedia with 37405 occurrences. Modified obsolete mappings and added as much optional ones as possible)
Line 2: Line 2:
| mapToClass = Album
| mapToClass = Album
| mappings =
| mappings =
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = tipo album | ontologyProperty = longtype }}
<!-- Missing mappings: arrangiamenti, numero dischi d'oro, numero dischi di platino, numero dischi di diamante, info copertina, prima discografia -->
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Director | ontologyProperty = director }}
<!-- Mandatory properties i.e. most used-->
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = produttore | ontologyProperty = producer }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = titolo | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Reviews | ontologyProperty = review }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = artista | ontologyProperty = artist }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Compiler | ontologyProperty = compiler }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = tipo album | ontologyProperty = longtype }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = titolo | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = anno | ontologyProperty = releaseDate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Type | ontologyProperty = type }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = etichetta | ontologyProperty = recordLabel }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = artista | ontologyProperty = artist }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = durata | ontologyProperty = runtime | unit = minute }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = artista2 | ontologyProperty = artist }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = genere | ontologyProperty = genre }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = artista3 | ontologyProperty = artist }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = precedente | ontologyProperty = previousWork }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = artista4 | ontologyProperty = artist }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = successivo | ontologyProperty = subsequentWork }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = artista5 | ontologyProperty = artist }}
<!-- Optional properties -->
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = artista6 | ontologyProperty = artist }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = titoloalfa | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = artista7 | ontologyProperty = artist }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = artista2 | ontologyProperty = artist }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = artista8 | ontologyProperty = artist }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = artista3 | ontologyProperty = artist }}
        {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = copertina | ontologyProperty = picture }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = artistaaltro | ontologyProperty = artist }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = giornomese | ontologyProperty = releaseDate }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = voce artista | ontologyProperty = artist }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Recorded | ontologyProperty = recordDate }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = voce artista2 | ontologyProperty = artist }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Recorded | ontologyProperty = recordedIn }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = voce artista3 | ontologyProperty = artist }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = genere | ontologyProperty = genre }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = featuring | ontologyProperty = artist }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = genere2 | ontologyProperty = genre }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = giornomese | ontologyProperty = releaseDate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = genere3 | ontologyProperty = genre }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = postdata | ontologyProperty = longtype }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = genere4 | ontologyProperty = genre }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = produttore | ontologyProperty = producer }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = genere5 | ontologyProperty = genre }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = formati | ontologyProperty = mediaType }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = genere6 | ontologyProperty = genre }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = genere2 | ontologyProperty = genre }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = genere7 | ontologyProperty = genre }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = genere3 | ontologyProperty = genre }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = genere8 | ontologyProperty = genre }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = genere4 | ontologyProperty = genre }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = durata | ontologyProperty = runtime | unit = minute }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = genere5 | ontologyProperty = genre }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Label | ontologyProperty = recordLabel }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = genere6 | ontologyProperty = genre }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = precedente | ontologyProperty = previousWork }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = genere7 | ontologyProperty = genre }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = successivo | ontologyProperty = subsequentWork }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = genere8 | ontologyProperty = genre }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = genere9 | ontologyProperty = genre }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = registrato | ontologyProperty = recordDate }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = registrato | ontologyProperty = recordedIn }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = album di provenienza | ontologyProperty = album }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = numero di dischi | ontologyProperty = totalDiscs }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = numero di tracce | ontologyProperty = totalTracks }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = note | ontologyProperty = notes }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = copertina | ontologyProperty = foaf:depiction }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = copertina alternativa | ontologyProperty = foaf:depiction }}

Latest revision as of 16:19, 23 March 2012

This is the mapping for the Wikipedia template Album. Find usages of this Wikipedia template here.

Test this mapping (or in namespace File or Creator) with some example Wikipedia pages. Check which properties are not mapped yet.

Read more about mapping Wikipedia templates.

Template Mapping (help)
map to class Album


Property Mapping (help)
template property titolo
ontology property foaf:name

Property Mapping (help)
template property artista
ontology property artist

Property Mapping (help)
template property tipo album
ontology property longtype

Property Mapping (help)
template property anno
ontology property releaseDate

Property Mapping (help)
template property etichetta
ontology property recordLabel

Property Mapping (help)
template property durata
ontology property runtime

Property Mapping (help)
template property genere
ontology property genre

Property Mapping (help)
template property precedente
ontology property previousWork

Property Mapping (help)
template property successivo
ontology property subsequentWork

Property Mapping (help)
template property titoloalfa
ontology property foaf:name

Property Mapping (help)
template property artista2
ontology property artist

Property Mapping (help)
template property artista3
ontology property artist

Property Mapping (help)
template property artistaaltro
ontology property artist

Property Mapping (help)
template property voce artista
ontology property artist

Property Mapping (help)
template property voce artista2
ontology property artist

Property Mapping (help)
template property voce artista3
ontology property artist

Property Mapping (help)
template property featuring
ontology property artist

Property Mapping (help)
template property giornomese
ontology property releaseDate

Property Mapping (help)
template property postdata
ontology property longtype

Property Mapping (help)
template property produttore
ontology property producer

Property Mapping (help)
template property formati
ontology property mediaType

Property Mapping (help)
template property genere2
ontology property genre

Property Mapping (help)
template property genere3
ontology property genre

Property Mapping (help)
template property genere4
ontology property genre

Property Mapping (help)
template property genere5
ontology property genre

Property Mapping (help)
template property genere6
ontology property genre

Property Mapping (help)
template property genere7
ontology property genre

Property Mapping (help)
template property genere8
ontology property genre

Property Mapping (help)
template property genere9
ontology property genre

Property Mapping (help)
template property registrato
ontology property recordDate

Property Mapping (help)
template property registrato
ontology property recordedIn

Property Mapping (help)
template property album di provenienza
ontology property album

Property Mapping (help)
template property numero di dischi
ontology property totalDiscs

Property Mapping (help)
template property numero di tracce
ontology property totalTracks

Property Mapping (help)
template property note
ontology property notes

Property Mapping (help)
template property copertina
ontology property foaf:depiction

Property Mapping (help)
template property copertina alternativa
ontology property foaf:depiction