Mapping sr:Хокејаш: Difference between revisions

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{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty =  име_и_презиме  | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty =  име_и_презиме  | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty =  држава  | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty =  држава  | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty =  надимак    | ontologyProperty = foaf:nick }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty =  датум_рођења  | ontologyProperty = birthDate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty =  место_рођења  | ontologyProperty = birthPlace }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty =  место_рођења  | ontologyProperty = birthPlace }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty =  датум_смрти  | ontologyProperty = deathDate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty =  датум_смрти  | ontologyProperty = deathDate }}
         {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty =  место_смрти  | ontologyProperty = deathPlace }}
         {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty =  место_смрти  | ontologyProperty = deathPlace }}
         {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty =  висина    | ontologyProperty = height | unit = Length }}
         {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty =  висина    | ontologyProperty = height | unit = Length }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty =  тежина    | ontologyProperty = weight | unit = Kilogram }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty =  позиција | ontologyProperty = position }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty =  хвата/пуца    | ontologyProperty = shoots }}
        {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty =  драфт    | ontologyProperty = whaDraft }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty =  каријера  | ontologyProperty = careerStation }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty =  клуб| ontologyProperty = club}}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty =  клуб| ontologyProperty = club}}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty =  бивши_клубови  | ontologyProperty = formerTeam }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty =  број  | ontologyProperty = number }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty =  број  | ontologyProperty = number }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty =  Веб страница | ontologyProperty = foaf:homepage }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty =  Веб страница | ontologyProperty = foaf:homepage }}

Latest revision as of 18:14, 4 February 2014

This is the mapping for the Wikipedia template Хокејаш. Find usages of this Wikipedia template here.

Test this mapping (or in namespace File or Creator) with some example Wikipedia pages. Check which properties are not mapped yet.

Read more about mapping Wikipedia templates.

Template Mapping (help)
map to class IceHockeyPlayer


Property Mapping (help)
template property име_и_презиме
ontology property foaf:name

Property Mapping (help)
template property држава
ontology property country

Property Mapping (help)
template property место_рођења
ontology property birthPlace

Property Mapping (help)
template property датум_смрти
ontology property deathDate

Property Mapping (help)
template property место_смрти
ontology property deathPlace

Property Mapping (help)
template property висина
ontology property height

Property Mapping (help)
template property клуб
ontology property club

Property Mapping (help)
template property број
ontology property number

Property Mapping (help)
template property Веб страница
ontology property foaf:homepage