Line 11: |
Line 11: |
| {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = IDH | ontologyProperty = humanDevelopmentIndex }} | | {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = IDH | ontologyProperty = humanDevelopmentIndex }} |
| }} | | }} |
| |
| <!--
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| COMENTARIO para poner propiedades de la ficha y mapeo en inglés
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| |
| CAMPOS EN FICHA http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plantilla:Ficha_de_pa%C3%ADs
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| |nombre_oficial = OK
| |
| |imagen_bandera =
| |
| |imagen_escudo =
| |
| |lema_nacional =
| |
| |himno_nacional =
| |
| |archivo_himno_nacional =
| |
| |imagen_mapa =
| |
| |capital = OK
| |
| |capital_coor =
| |
| |ciudad_más_poblada = OK
| |
| |principales ciudades =
| |
| |idioma_oficial = OK
| |
| |idiomas_co-oficiales = OK
| |
| |fiesta_nacional =
| |
| |gobierno =
| |
| |dirigentes_títulos =
| |
| |dirigentes_nombres =
| |
| |fundación =
| |
| |fundación_hitos =
| |
| |fundación_fechas =
| |
| |superficie =
| |
| |superficie_puesto =
| |
| |superficie_agua =
| |
| |fronteras =
| |
| |costas =
| |
| |población =
| |
| |población_año =
| |
| |población_puesto =
| |
| |población_densidad =
| |
| |PIB_nominal =
| |
| |PIB_nominal_año =
| |
| |PIB_nominal_puesto =
| |
| |PIB_nominal_per_cápita =
| |
| |PIB = OK
| |
| |PIB_año =
| |
| |PIB_puesto =
| |
| |PIB_per_cápita =
| |
| |IDH = OK humanDevelopmentIndex
| |
| |IDH_año =
| |
| |IDH_puesto =
| |
| |IDH_categoría =
| |
| |moneda = OK
| |
| |gentilicio =
| |
| |horario =
| |
| |horario_verano =
| |
| |cctld =
| |
| |código_telefónico =
| |
| |prefijo_radiofónico =
| |
| |código_ISO =
| |
| |miembro_de =
| |
| |notaX =
| |
| |
| |
| |
| {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = national_anthem | ontologyProperty = anthem }}
| |
| {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = royal_anthem | ontologyProperty = anthem }}
| |
| {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = ethnic_groups_year | ontologyProperty = ethnicGroupsInYear }}
| |
| {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = government_type | ontologyProperty = governmentType }}
| |
| {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = currency | ontologyProperty = currency }} OK
| |
| {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = native_name | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }} No equiv
| |
| {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = conventional_long_name | ontologyProperty = longName }} No equiv
| |
| {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = common_name | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }} OK
| |
| {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = national_motto | ontologyProperty = motto }}
| |
| {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = capital | ontologyProperty = capital }} OK
| |
| {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = largest_city | ontologyProperty = largestCity }} OK
| |
| {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = largest_settlement | ontologyProperty = largestSettlement }}
| |
| {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = official_languages | ontologyProperty = officialLanguage }} OK
| |
| {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = official_languages | ontologyProperty = language }}
| |
| {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = regional_languages | ontologyProperty = regionalLanguage }}
| |
| {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = regional_languages | ontologyProperty = language }}
| |
| {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = languages | ontologyProperty = language }}
| |
| {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = ethnic_groups | ontologyProperty = ethnicGroup }}
| |
| {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = demonym | ontologyProperty = demonym }}
| |
| {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_title1 | ontologyProperty = leaderTitle }}
| |
| {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_name1 | ontologyProperty = leaderName }}
| |
| {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_title2 | ontologyProperty = leaderTitle }}
| |
| {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_name2 | ontologyProperty = leaderName }}
| |
| {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_title3 | ontologyProperty = leaderTitle }}
| |
| {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_name3 | ontologyProperty = leaderName }}
| |
| {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_title4 | ontologyProperty = leaderTitle }}
| |
| {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_name4 | ontologyProperty = leaderName }}
| |
| {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_title5 | ontologyProperty = leaderTitle }}
| |
| {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_name5 | ontologyProperty = leaderName }}
| |
| {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = established_date1 | ontologyProperty = foundingDate }}
| |
| {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = established_date2 | ontologyProperty = foundingDate }}
| |
| {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = established_date9 | ontologyProperty = foundingDate }}
| |
| {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = area_km2 | ontologyProperty = areaTotal | unit = squareKilometre }}
| |
| {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = area_sq_mi | ontologyProperty = areaTotal | unit = squareMile }}
| |
| {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = percent_water | ontologyProperty = percentageOfAreaWater }}
| |
| {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = population_density_km2 | ontologyProperty = populationDensity | unit = inhabitantsPerSquareKilometre }}
| |
| {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = population_density_sq_mi | ontologyProperty = populationDensity | unit = inhabitantsPerSquareMile }}
| |
| {{GeocoordinatesMapping | latitudeDegrees = latd | latitudeMinutes = latm | latitudeDirection = latNS | longitudeDegrees = longd | longitudeMinutes = longm | longitudeDirection = longEW }}
| |
| |
| Propiedades clase DBpedia Country
| |
| ==================================
| |
| Name Label Domain Range Comment
| |
| anthem (edit) anthem PopulatedPlace Work
| |
| areaCode (edit) area code PopulatedPlace xsd:string Area code for telephone numbers.
| |
| areaRural (edit) area rural PopulatedPlace Area
| |
| areaTotalRanking (edit) total area ranking PopulatedPlace xsd:positiveInteger
| |
| areaUrban (edit) area urban PopulatedPlace Area
| |
| arrondissement (edit) arrondissement PopulatedPlace PopulatedPlace
| |
| borough (edit) borough PopulatedPlace PopulatedPlace
| |
| capital (edit) capital PopulatedPlace City
| |
| censusYear (edit) census year PopulatedPlace xsd:gYear
| |
| ceremonialCounty (edit) Ceremonial County PopulatedPlace PopulatedPlace
| |
| cityType (edit) city type PopulatedPlace xsd:string
| |
| continent (edit) continent Country Continent links a country to the continent it belongs
| |
| councilArea (edit) Council area PopulatedPlace PopulatedPlace
| |
| countySeat (edit) county seat PopulatedPlace owl:Thing
| |
| demographicsAsOf (edit) demographics as of PopulatedPlace xsd:date
| |
| department (edit) department PopulatedPlace PopulatedPlace
| |
| dissolutionDate (edit) dissolution date PopulatedPlace xsd:date
| |
| dissolutionYear (edit) dissolution year PopulatedPlace xsd:gYear
| |
| ekatteCode (edit) EKATTE code PopulatedPlace xsd:string Indexing code used by the Bulgarian National Statistical Institute to identify populated places
| |
| ethnicGroup (edit) ethnic group PopulatedPlace EthnicGroup
| |
| europeanUnionEntranceDate (edit) european union entrance date Country xsd:date
| |
| foundingPerson (edit) founding person PopulatedPlace Person
| |
| giniCoefficient (edit) gini coefficient PopulatedPlace xsd:float is a measure of the inequality of a distribution. It is commonly used as a measure of inequality of income or wealth.
| |
| giniCoefficientAsOf (edit) gini coefficient as of PopulatedPlace xsd:date
| |
| giniCoefficientCategory (edit) gini coefficient category PopulatedPlace owl:Thing
| |
| giniCoefficientRanking (edit) gini coefficient ranking PopulatedPlace xsd:positiveInteger
| |
| grossDomesticProduct (edit) gross domestic product (GDP) PopulatedPlace Currency
| |
| grossDomesticProductAsOf (edit) gross domestic product as of PopulatedPlace xsd:date
| |
| humanDevelopmentIndex (edit) Human Development Index (HDI) PopulatedPlace xsd:float a composite statistic used to rank countries by level of "human development"
| |
| humanDevelopmentIndexAsOf (edit) human development index as of PopulatedPlace xsd:date
| |
| humanDevelopmentIndexRankingCategory (edit) human development index (HDI) category PopulatedPlace owl:Thing
| |
| illiteracy (edit) illiteracy PopulatedPlace xsd:float
| |
| infantMortality (edit) infant mortality PopulatedPlace xsd:float
| |
| inseeCode (edit) INSEE code PopulatedPlace owl:Thing numerical indexing code used by the French National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE) to identify various entities
| |
| largestCity (edit) largest city PopulatedPlace PopulatedPlace
| |
| largestCountry (edit) largest country PopulatedPlace PopulatedPlace
| |
| largestSettlement (edit) largest settlement PopulatedPlace PopulatedPlace
| |
| leaderName (edit) leader name PopulatedPlace Person
| |
| leaderParty (edit) leader party PopulatedPlace owl:Thing
| |
| leaderTitle (edit) leader title PopulatedPlace xsd:string
| |
| lessPopulatedCountry (edit) less populated country Country Country
| |
| lessPopulousCountry (edit) less populous country Country Country
| |
| lieutenancyArea (edit) Lieutenancy area PopulatedPlace PopulatedPlace
| |
| lifeExpectancy (edit) life expectancy PopulatedPlace xsd:string
| |
| mayor (edit) mayor PopulatedPlace Person
| |
| metropolitanBorough (edit) metropolitan borough PopulatedPlace PopulatedPlace
| |
| mostPopulatedCountry (edit) most populated country Country Country
| |
| mostPopulousCountry (edit) most populous country Country Country
| |
| neighboringMunicipality (edit) neighboring municipality PopulatedPlace PopulatedPlace
| |
| nisCode (edit) NIS code PopulatedPlace PopulatedPlace Indexing code used by the Belgium National Statistical Institute to identify populated places.
| |
| numberOfCapitalDeputies (edit) Number Of Capital Deputies PopulatedPlace xsd:nonNegativeInteger
| |
| numberOfCounties (edit) number of counties PopulatedPlace xsd:nonNegativeInteger
| |
| numberOfFederalDeputies (edit) Number Of Federal Deputies PopulatedPlace xsd:nonNegativeInteger
| |
| numberOfMinistries (edit) number of ministries Country xsd:nonNegativeInteger
| |
| numberOfMunicipalities (edit) Number Of Municipalities PopulatedPlace xsd:nonNegativeInteger
| |
| numberOfStateDeputies (edit) Number Of State Deputies PopulatedPlace xsd:nonNegativeInteger
| |
| officialLanguage (edit) official language PopulatedPlace Language
| |
| parish (edit) parish PopulatedPlace PopulatedPlace
| |
| perCapitaIncome (edit) per capita income PopulatedPlace Currency
| |
| perCapitaIncomeAsOf (edit) per capita income as of PopulatedPlace xsd:date
| |
| politicGovernmentDepartment (edit) politic government department PopulatedPlace owl:Thing
| |
| poorestCountry (edit) poorest country Country Country
| |
| populationAsOf (edit) population as of PopulatedPlace xsd:date
| |
| populationMetro (edit) population metro PopulatedPlace xsd:nonNegativeInteger
| |
| populationMetroDensity (edit) population metro density PopulatedPlace PopulationDensity
| |
| populationRural (edit) population rural PopulatedPlace xsd:nonNegativeInteger
| |
| populationRuralDensity (edit) population density rural PopulatedPlace PopulationDensity
| |
| populationTotal (edit) population total PopulatedPlace xsd:nonNegativeInteger
| |
| populationTotalRanking (edit) total population ranking PopulatedPlace xsd:positiveInteger
| |
| populationUrban (edit) population urban PopulatedPlace xsd:nonNegativeInteger
| |
| populationUrbanDensity (edit) population urban density PopulatedPlace PopulationDensity
| |
| principalArea (edit) principal area PopulatedPlace PopulatedPlace
| |
| regionalLanguage (edit) regional language PopulatedPlace Language
| |
| richestCountry (edit) richest country Country Country
| |
| saint (edit) saint PopulatedPlace Saint
| |
| senator (edit) senator PopulatedPlace Person
| |
| sheading (edit) sheading PopulatedPlace PopulatedPlace
| |
| simcCode (edit) SIMC code PopulatedPlace owl:Thing indexing code used by the Polish National Official Register of the Territorial Division of the Country (TERYT) to identify various entities
| |
| smallestCountry (edit) smallest country PopulatedPlace PopulatedPlace
| |
| terytCode (edit) TERYT code PopulatedPlace owl:Thing indexing code used by the Polish National Official Register of the Territorial Division of the Country (TERYT) to identify various entities
| |
| topLevelDomain (edit) country top level (tld) Country xsd:string
| |
| twinCountry (edit) twin country Country Country
| |
| unitaryAuthority (edit) unitary authority PopulatedPlace PopulatedPlace
| |
| viceLeader (edit) vice leader PopulatedPlace Person
| |
| viceLeaderParty (edit) vice leader party PopulatedPlace PoliticalParty
| |
| |
| -->
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