How to add a mapping namespace
As an example, we use a fictitious language with code "xx" and Wikipedia rank 44.
Note: more code changes will be needed for the first language code that contains a dash "-". Please update this guide.
Get language code and rank
Get the wiki language code and rank from
namespace number: multiply the rank by 2 and add 200
talk namespace number: add 1 to the namespace number
Example: language code "xx", rank 44, namespace number 288, talk namespace number 289
CAUTION: If the calculated namespace number already exists for another language (because the ranking has changed) do NOT change the existing namespace number. Please find a neighboring or close enough number that works.
If 288 is in use, we choose other numbers, let’s say 298 and 299
Update the extraction framework
edit core/org.dbpedia.extraction.wikiparser.Namespace.scala
add something like this at the appropriate position in the code
Commit and push the changes to default branch.
Update and restart the mapping server
Log onto the machine that's serving URLs.
Stop the server:
ps axfu | grep java
Look for class ...server.Server, and then:
kill <process id>
Then update, compile and start the server:
cd /home/dbpedia-server/dbpedia/extraction_framework hg pull hg update mvn clean install --projects core,server cd server ../run server &>server-<YYYY>-<MM>-<DD>.01.log &
Update mappings wiki
Update the MediaWiki settings
Log onto the machine that is serving URLs.
open htdocs/mappings/LocalSettings.php
add the following lines at the right position in the code
"xx" => 288
Restart the Apache server
edit mappings wiki sidebar
Edit MediaWiki:Sidebar.
Add a link at for the new language:
** {{fullurl:Special:AllPages|namespace=288}}|Mappings (xx)
c) edit,,,
add two lines for label@xx
d) edit and
e) generate statistics for new language run RedirectExtractor, InfoboxExtractor, TemplateParameterExtractor (see dump/ run CreateMappingStats (launcher ‘stats’ in server/pom.xml) copy src/main/statistics/mappingstatistics_bg.txt to same folder on server Update and deploy sprint stuff.