Mapping ja:AV女優
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This is the mapping for the Wikipedia template AV女優. Find usages of this Wikipedia template here.
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Read more about mapping Wikipedia templates.
Template Mapping (help) | |
map to class | AdultActor |
Property Mapping (help) | |
template property | 名前 |
ontology property | foaf:name |
Property Mapping (help) | |
template property | ふりがな |
ontology property | alias |
Property Mapping (help) | |
template property | 別名 |
ontology property | pseudonym |
Property Mapping (help) | |
template property | モデル名 |
ontology property | knownFor |
Property Mapping (help) | |
template property | 愛称 |
ontology property | foaf:nick |
Property Mapping (help) | |
template property | 生年 |
ontology property | birthYear |
Property Mapping (help) | |
template property | 生月 |
ontology property | birthDate |
Property Mapping (help) | |
template property | 生日 |
ontology property | birthDate |
Property Mapping (help) | |
template property | 没年 |
ontology property | deathYear |
Property Mapping (help) | |
template property | 没月 |
ontology property | deathDate |
Property Mapping (help) | |
template property | 没日 |
ontology property | deathDate |
Property Mapping (help) | |
template property | 出身地 |
ontology property | hometown |
Property Mapping (help) | |
template property | 血液型 |
ontology property | bloodType |
Property Mapping (help) | |
template property | 時点 |
ontology property | accessDate |
Property Mapping (help) | |
template property | 身長 |
ontology property | height |
Property Mapping (help) | |
template property | 体重 |
ontology property | weight |
Property Mapping (help) | |
template property | バスト |
ontology property | bustSize |
Property Mapping (help) | |
template property | ウエスト |
ontology property | waistSize |
Property Mapping (help) | |
template property | ヒップ |
ontology property | hipSize |
Property Mapping (help) | |
template property | カップ |
ontology property | measurements |
Property Mapping (help) | |
template property | 民族 |
ontology property | ethnicity |
Property Mapping (help) | |
template property | 瞳の色 |
ontology property | eyeColor |
Property Mapping (help) | |
template property | 毛髪の色 |
ontology property | hairColor |
Property Mapping (help) | |
template property | 靴 |
ontology property | shoeNumber |
Property Mapping (help) | |
template property | カップ |
ontology property | measurements |
Property Mapping (help) | |
template property | 専属契約 |
ontology property | employer |
Property Mapping (help) | |
template property | AV出演期間 |
ontology property | period |
Property Mapping (help) | |
template property | ジャンル |
ontology property | genre |
Property Mapping (help) | |
template property | デビュー |
ontology property | electionDate |
Property Mapping (help) | |
template property | その他 |
ontology property | notes |
Property Mapping (help) | |
template property | 活動備考 |
ontology property | description |
Property Mapping (help) | |
template property | 画像ファイル |
ontology property | foaf:depiction |