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Revision as of 19:07, 8 February 2015 by Jimregan (talk | contribs) (wrong kind of broadcast network for @pl)
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rdfs:label (it)emittente
rdfs:label@de Sendergruppe
rdfs:label@el δίκτυο ραδιοφωνικής μετάδοσης
rdfs:label@en broadcast network
rdfs:label@fr chaîne de télévision généraliste
rdfs:label@ga líonra craolacháin
rdfs:label@ja ネットワーク_(放送)
rdfs:label@ko 브로드캐스트 네트워크
rdfs:label@nl omroeporganisatie
rdfs:label@pl sieć emisyjna
rdfs:comment@en A broadcast network is an organization, such as a corporation or other association, that provides live or recorded content, such as movies, newscasts, sports, and public affairs programs for broadcast over a group of radio or television stations. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broadcast_network - 28/03/2011)
rdfs:subClassOf Broadcaster